08 April - Branch Weaving - Kindergarten

tree branch with at least three smaller branches shooting out
yarn in many colors and textures
nature items such as long grasses, weeds, feathers or corn husks
strips of fabric, ribbon and other strings or cords

1. Talk to the kids about weaving
- ask them if they know what it means
- what is made by weaving
- tell them t-shirts were woven
Then read them the book "A Goat in a Rug" which is about a Native American girl weaving a rug.
2. Then demonstrate what they would be doing. They should tie the beginning of the string to the stick (plan on having adults help with this) then they can either
- wrap the string between several branches and "weave" feathers or grasses into it or
- just wrap the string around the twig and stick feathers and stuff into it.

1. adults helps the student start at the top or bottom of one small branch by looping some yarn around the branch to get the project started.
(Keep the yarn about 2 feet in length so it doesn't get out of control. More yarn can always be added as each piece is used up.)
2. Have kids wrap yarn around smaller branches to make a base of yarn moving up or down the branches.
3. Weave other yarn, wool, grasses, fabric strips or any intriguing items into the yarn base. Random weaving and wrapping is also effective.
4. Wrap and weave until the branch weaving is complete
5. Ask kids to come up with names for their sculptures.
6. If some kids are finished before others, you can read “Very Busy Spider”

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