March - Fish in Water

blue paper
orange paper
white and yellow paint or yellow oil pastel
perm. markers
streamers (optional)
Books: Fish is Fish, Swimmy

1. Talk to the kids about the movement of water. Ask them where they see water - ocean, waterfall, jacuzzi….Each student gets a streamer to help them pretend they were drops of water. Tell them they are calm water, they were moving water, or falling in a waterfall.

2. Then tell them to use the same movement to create the water on their paper. Use white paint on blue paper.

3. While that dries, talk about the parts of a fish - you could also read one of the books at this time. Identify many shapes that students can use to make the different parts of a fish. Tell them to draw one big fish on their paper. If the have room they can draw more. Draw with perm. marker.

4. Add details with yellow paint (or to save time oil pastel)

5. Have students cut the fish out and glued them on to the blue paper.

6. If some students are finished before others you can read to them on the rug.

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